Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Today, I got a hair cut and a free movie night

So, I got to go to the movies for free because, we had a huge storm that lasted like... 20 minutes? About that. It was... terrifying for me. (O__o) I hate thunder, it scares the sh** out of me, don't judge. I've been afraid of super loud, sudden noises like most normal ppl, but for me, thunder is just... not good. It's a weak-point for me, I always end up cowering on the floor or under the covers on my bed, covering my ears or listening to music.
I'm weird, I know.
But, on the upside! I got a hair-cut today! :D (see above pic) I know that picture isn't fantastic, but it was the best my laptop camera could do right now. I have my bangs back and the layers are more defined and cool looking. So, needless to say, I am satisfied.
Back to the whole, power-went-out-so-we-got-a-free-movie-thing, it was totally legit. My dad thought they might be kidding because, duh, the power went out. But, after a while, I knew they weren't because the power came back on all over town so, free movie it was!
I went with Sam and his family, though I really sat with Davyn, Sam, and Davyn's little brother Harold. Sam's parents sat behind us and Solomon was at baseball practice, so he wasn't there, poor guy. :P So, tonight was my second time watching Now You See Me and I still think it was bomb! :D
Then, there's Sam. There's always Sam. He's amazing, I just love him. He's got his quirks and faults, but that makes him more real. I never really believed in Prince Charmings like some, if not, most girls do while they're growing up. Being the oldest child and witnessing a divorce in action, well, sometimes that proves perfect relationships wrong right off the bat. But, I do know that, while Sam is nowhere near perfect, I know he loves me and that he is the right one for me.
This isn't like last time! Not at all, it just isn't.
My love for Sam is... fuller. Healthier. Better. We have connections that I never thought we'd have (not like that, don't get all cray) and I feel truly blessed to have him.
This is going to work out, I can just feel it. There isn't that lingering doubt this time, no "what if's", nothing. We're living day-by-day and that's enough for me.
So, that was my day. :)

-McCrackin Jackson ;)

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